ghb addiction help thailand. Holistic 12 step program for addiction and mental health conditions at a luxury treatment center in Thailand. ghb addiction help thailand

 Holistic 12 step program for addiction and mental health conditions at a luxury treatment center in Thailandghb addiction help thailand  Its pharmacological effects are generated mainly by interaction with both GABA B and GHB receptors, as well as its influence on other transmitter systems in the

US CALLERS: +1 844 216 6043. For those battling a sex addiction there is a period of withdrawal that must be navigated. GHB abuse hotlines can supply information about addiction treatment to help anyone seeking help for GHB addiction. GHB Addiction, Overdose, and Withdrawal GHB Addiction. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a short-chain. It can result in seizures. Contact us for personal treatment. Call+66 90 893 5296. CALL US NOW. In many cases, GHB addiction begins with casual. Best for quite relaxing evenings or lazing in the sun. However, popular countries for rehab are the USA, Switzerland, Thailand and South Africa. . Alcohol Detox Thailand: Start Your Sobriety Safely and Comfortably. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a short-chain. 1 It may be abused for its sedative and euphoric effects, and bodybuilders may use it because it can promote the release of growth hormones. +66 2-460-9350. 50 It may also be. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people address problematic thoughts and feelings to overcome addiction. The majority of GHB addicts who have come to Project GHB for help have been bodybuilders or athletes of some degree, from casual gym goers to entertainment wrestlers and professional players in a variety of sports. If you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction to yaba, contact our rehab center today at +66 818295250 or at contact@thecabinchiangmai. In other words, online gambling. Gallimberti et al. Substance addiction is treated with detox followed by counseling. “But go up to 2ml and. US CALLERS: +1 844 216 6043. Addiction and withdrawal syndrome: Regular use of GHB. You don't need to manage the situation alone. Holistic 12 step program for addiction and mental health conditions at a luxury treatment center in Thailand. Find a GHB detox and addiction treatment center near you and get the professional treatment you need. Part 3: This Man Found His Husband Dead From A GHB Overdose But Is Now Fighting To Uncover The Truth About What Happened. Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information about our service. If you think that you or somebody you know has a problem with alcohol, call us to take the first step towards a happier, healthier, and more stable future. It is also often referred to as G. Flubrotizolam Drug Interactions. +66 2-460-9350. Some short-term GHB addiction symptoms may include: Nausea. About the program. 7. Alcohol use and abuse is a prevalent problem in Thailand. The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab Thailand offers highly personalised treatment for addiction and mental health issues. GHB has also been used to treat alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as narcolepsy (sleep disorder). GHB Addiction: Once an Anesthetic, Now a Club Drug of Abuse. See full list on thecabinchiangmai. +66 2-460-9350. The drug reportedly has benefits as a growth hormone and GHB is popular drug for athletes and bodybuilders. It is most commonly used recreationally as a club drug and taken in liquid form for its. United Kingdom:+44 330 822 5340. Though crystal meth is by far the most popular party drug, a lot of gay men and women combine their meth use with other drugs. Cannabis often precedes or is used along with other substances, such as alcohol or illegal drugs, and is often the first drug tried. The Cabin Group. Using GHB results in large increases in serotonin and dopamine in the central nervous system. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. Co-Occurring Disordered. GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate or 4-hydroxybutanoic acid), a central nervous system depressant, is a naturally occurring product of human metabolism. Contact us for personal treatment. You will undergo a GHB addiction treatment therapy regime that will explore the reasons you took GHB, and this will help you to prevent a relapse when you leave the program. Discover Successful Meth Rehab in Thailand: Overcome Methamphetamine Addiction with Professional Treatment and Expert Support Team ay The Cabin Chiang Mai. Thailand:+66 2 460 9350. Hallucinations. WELLNESS THERAPY FOR SUPPORT IN RECOVERY. The Diamond Rehab Thailand 6/32 Moo 6 Kamala Sub District, Kathu District, Phuket Province,. 1) and an analog of y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. US CALLERS: +1 844 216 6043. DVD player. The Diamond Rehab Thailand 6/32 Moo 6 Kamala Sub District, Kathu District, Phuket Province,. Drowsiness. With proper care and. Mental Health. 2. Side effects of GHB abuse, including symptoms of overdose, include: Nausea. It can cause comas and seizures, as well as death. 3429 to learn about treatment options regarding this dangerous drug. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from addiction in a safe, low-stress environment. Holistic rehab centres in Thailand offer the ability to address addiction or other mental health problems or a combination of both, also known as a co-occurring disorder. GHB in this context can become out-of-control quickly. A premium inpatient addiction treatment programme with private luxury accommodation at The Cabin Chiang Mai is $15,900 per month even with the cost of flights factored in, this. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. The most common symptoms of. With GBL use, withdrawal symptoms can arise earlier and be more severe. Social media provides quick gratification – but the pleasurable feelings disappear as quickly as they come, creating the need for another dopamine hit, and then another. OCD and Addiction. 23,49–51 High rates of delirium are reported. 23,49 Stratification based on level of GHB use and polysubstance use may help identify those likely to develop severe withdrawal who can be directed to in-patient withdrawal management. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. 12. GHB addiction is usually treated using a combination of detoxification, counseling, and aftercare. It can also increase sexual libido. Q: What country has the best rehabilitation? A: No one country has the best rehabilitation because addiction treatment needs vary from person to person. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help nerves send and receive signals. Thailand is a popular destination for addiction recovery, with many Aussies taking advantage of the quality and cost-effective therapies available in the area. Thai massage incorporates stretching, passive yoga-like movements, and targeted pressure techniques that help release muscle tension and promote relaxation. The drug is metabolized quickly. CALL US NOW. GHB is considered to have a high dependence potential, and abrupt discontinuation after long-term use can result in a severe withdrawal syndrome. what is GHB mixed with?. Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is a short-chain fatty acid that naturally occurs in the human brain, where it acts as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator (Laborit, 1964, Mamelak, 1989, Snead and Gibson, 2005, Wong et al. How Long Does Inpatient GHB Rehabilitation Take? The length of your inpatient GHB treatment program will be based on your medical needs. Excitotoxicity is a phenomenon that describes the toxic actions of excitatory neurotransmitters, primarily glutamate, where the exacerbated or prolonged activation of glutamate receptors starts a cascade of neurotoxicity that ultimately leads to the loss of. It acts on the GHB receptor and is a weak agonist at the GABA B receptor. GHB was originally developed to be used as an anaesthetic. If you take a very high dose you'll fall asleep for around 4 hours, then the dopamine rebound kicks in and you're full of energy. We offer CBT/DBT, the Minnesota model, exercise, meditation, and mindfulness. Breathing problems. “Not every client is the same, and everyone needs a different approach. +66 2-460-9350. ” Dr. +66 2-460-9350. GHB has several street names, including “G,” “Georgia home boy,” “fantasy,” “liquid XTC,” “scoop,” “goop,” and “easy lay. It is most commonly consumed orally or smoked, but it. 1. Feelings of euphoria and tranquility. Understanding the Causes. +66 2-460-9350. Screening and management of chronic. Learn More What is Liquid Ecstasy? Liquid ecstasy is the new name for. Our world-class gambling addiction treatment provides you with the support, resources and professional insight you need to overcome your addiction and bring balance to your life. 9 Polydrug use can involve both illicit drugs and legal substances, such as alcohol and medications. GHB Addiction Statistics. CALL US NOW. American Addiction Centers (AAC), owner and operator of Recovery. Citation 23, Citation 49 Stratification based on level of GHB use and polysubstance use may help identify. Doses above 2ml of liquid or 2g of. GHB addiction treatment, in particular, is essential for addressing GHB abuse and related issues like addiction to other drugs. Flat-screen, cable television. At high doses, GHB overdose can result in: • Unconsciousness, seizures, slowed heart rate, greatly slowed breathing, lower body temperature, vomiting, nausea, coma, and death. We're here for you. So many GHB overdoses go undetected for this reason. Long-term effects: Food addiction increases one’s risk of developing a wide array of health problems. In other words, online gambling addiction is an. TMS therapy Thailand - Effective Magnetic Therapy for Mental Health. Treatment options remain limited. , 2004a; see Table 1). DVD player. Users report increased sexual desire, intellect and emotion. In fact, this often causes a person to consume GHB to alleviate them. Many athletes and bodybuilders used the drug to help build muscle and lose fat. The Diamond Rehab Thailand 6/32 Moo 6 Kamala Sub District, Kathu District, Phuket Province, Thailand, 83150 +66 2-460-9350 Rehabs in Thailand offer addiction and mental health treatment to people from every walk of life – and at a fraction of the cost of rehab centres in Australia, the USA, the UK, or Europe. These emergency attendances predominantly resulting from GHB-induced comas, are paralleled by. CALL US NOW. To do this, it’s useful to practice mindfulness. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. Nevertheless the number of GHB users seeking help increased over the past years . Thai massage applies pressure to target specific muscles in the back, alleviating discomfort associated with back pain. At the Diamond Rehab Thailand, we take a highly personalized approach to PTSD trauma treatment that aims to address your unique needs. Behavioral Addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with GHB-related problems, get professional help immediately. In our luxury ice rehab facility in Phuket, our expert clinical team will. GHB, or gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, an illicit substance, affects the central nervous system in various ways. Aim: To describe the baseline characteristics, treatment and retention in patients admitted for GHB/GBL withdrawal management. The cost of rehab in Australiaม USA or the UK can be prohibitively expensive, with a full course of treatment costing upwards of $60,000. It is actually produced naturally, in small doses, in the body as food is broken down in the stomach. Europe:+31 20 532 2548. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from addiction in a safe, low-stress environment. Benzodiazepines have been found to be beneficial in treating the symptoms of GHB addiction. At the Diamond Rehab Thailand, we take a highly personalized approach to PTSD trauma treatment that aims to address your unique needs. Abstract. The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab Thailand caters to an international clientele, its largest client groups by country are from the UK, the USA and Australia. Chronic use of the drug can produce hallucinations, confusion, violent outbursts, and issues with depression. Documented cases of substance and behavioural addiction continue to grow with each year,. CALL US NOW. “Not every client is the same, and everyone needs a different approach. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. Addiction Treatment in Thailand – Why Go Overseas for Rehab? June 9, 2023 / By John A. GHB Addiction & Abuse. The “safe” range of the dose is very small. Irregular heartbeat. Addiction Treatment in Thailand or Online inclusive of mind, body and spirit. Short-term and long-term substance use can affect your physical and mental health. My forehead for the most part has looked similar to this for most of the 2 years. “Not every client is the same, and everyone needs a different approach. Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information about our service. Excess sugar is not only in the obvious sweets; a serving of baked beans has 13 grams,. Regular use of GHB can lead to addiction andFind Addiction Treatment Programs at Recovery Ranch PA. Knowing the slang terms for these drugs may help you determine if a loved one is using drugs, which may prevent them from developing or exacerbating addiction. but, even more effectively, that of heroin. However, most professionals within the field of addiction have agreed that there are 4 stages of drug addiction: experimentation, regular use, high-risk use, and addiction or dependency. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. ”. About the program. R. . UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. GHB leaves the system quickly, it might be undetectable in your system by medics if you go under. +66 2-460-9350. Seeking a professional addiction center can help you achieve recovery sooner and more successfully than if you tried to quit independently. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from addiction in a safe, low-stress environment. 50 It may also be. Our team of addiction professionals is licensed and qualified to treat all kinds of addiction. inclusive of mind, body and spirit. US CALLERS: +1 844 216 6043. Chemistry kits, reagents, and. Sex addiction is a term used to describe a type of behavioural addiction that. US / Canada:+1 332 895 1708. Our Thailand TMS therapy is a form of neurostimulation that helps improve mental health issue symptoms. CALL US NOW. Addiction Treatment in Thailand. May 7, 2023 / By John A. 5 – 2g of solid. Together we have over 45 years of experience working in the field of Addiction. Months thereafter, symptoms of delirium, psychosis, and/or depression can persist [ 10 ]. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. Any tips or reassurance from people healed or in a similar timeframe with a similar. It’s found in tiny concentrations in some food and drink, like red wine and animal meat. Nice in bed or on a couch with a cuddle partner, warm, comforting and fuzzy, very prosexual and horny inducing. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. Signs of a High-functioning Cocaine Addict. Keystone Treatment Center - Sioux Falls, SD 7511 S Louise Ave 57108Sioux Falls SD. There are no FDA-approved medications to treat addiction to prescription sedatives; lowering the dose over time must be done with the help of a health care provider. Extremely small amounts of GHB can be toxic. [5] One of the most common forms used in addiction care is cognitive behavioral therapy. Ecstasy Addiction Treatment; Marijuana Addiction Treatment; Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment. I see a bloody, mangled stump sticking through my torn jeans. It does this by affecting the release of dopamine in the brain thus causing feelings which range from relaxation to sleep at low doses. Cybersex addiction is a sexual addiction that involves virtual sexual activity on the internet. Drawing on extensive knowledge in the field of substance addiction, our fully qualified counselors will guide you through a tailor-made treatment program specifically designed to help you overcome the negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to drug abuse. The Dawn’s prescription drug addiction treatment Thailand, licensed by the Thai Ministry of Health, stays on the cutting edge of addiction treatment, thanks to the diligence of our highly qualified and experienced clinical team who keep up-to-date with the latest therapeutic developments so that they can pass the benefits on to our clients. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most people who get into treatment for physical addictions stop using addictive substances, decrease their criminal activity, and improve social, occupational, and psychological. Causes of online gambling addiction can be biological, social, and psychological. Treatment for GHB Abuse. GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), a drug, best known in media as a, “date-rape” drug is a powerful drug, which even wipes out the memory to have taken it. gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid (also known as and 4-hydroxybutanoic acid and GHB) is a depressant substance. The main components this plan are: drug detox, addiction treatment counselling and holistic wellness therapy. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from addiction in a safe, low-stress environment. GHB withdrawal management has been undertaken in both ambulatory and in-patient settings. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. 5 – 2ml or 1. Australia:+61 2 7908 2277. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. Alcohol Detox in Thailand. Michael's House Men's Center 1910 S Camino Real 92264Palm Springs CA. Problematic behaviors: GHB can induce visual hallucinations, agitation, and aggression, causing users to act unpredictably. Our rehab center for ketamine provides a healing experience like no other. Addiction counselors say that most serious addicts need at least 90 days in a rehab center, but some programs last 180 days or longer. GHB is a depressant. Those who are addicted to Ghb will experience withdrawal when they stop using the drug. On the banks of the Ping River, in a peaceful setting with mango trees and walking grounds, our centre is the perfect setting for health and well-being. Teen internet addiction is a behavioral condition marked by teens’ excessive, compulsive, or unrestrained online use. In addition to depression and anxiety, CBT treatment in Thailand can successfully combat substance abuse and other mental health issues. +66 2-460-9350. ‘Polydrug use’ is a term for the use of more than one drug or type of drug at the same time or one after another. Using a combination of behavioral therapy, sex addiction. The Diamond Rehab Thailand 6/32 Moo 6 Kamala Sub District, Kathu District, Phuket Province, Thailand, 83150Coda became addicted to GHB in 1998 after years of taking what he initially believed to be natural, herbal supplements to help him get fit. Call us and get help now. Although these substances are legal to a certain degree in the vast majority of countries, they can still lead to a number of negative outcomes and health problems if abused. “Not every client is the same, and everyone needs a different approach. Alcohol. GHB Inpatient Rehab Facilities. Inpatient Drug Rehab Centre: Pros & Cons and Why You Should Attend A high quality drug rehabilitation centre in Thailand can play a crucial role in addiction recovery, as professional help is often a necessary step in turning. Knowing the slang terms for these drugs may help you determine if a loved one is using drugs, which may prevent them from developing or exacerbating addiction. GHB abuse is closely linked to steroid use though it remains the sports world’s dark secret. Europe:+31 20 532 2548. Symptoms of detoxification can arise within 6 to 76 hours after the cessation of chronic GHB use and can persist for 48 hours to 15 days. ”. Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) was first synthesized in a lab in the 19 th century. Traces of GHB usually vanish from a person’s system within about 12 hours of ingestion. While meth and heroin are often. At high doses, GHB overdose can result in: • Unconsciousness, seizures, slowed heart rate, greatly slowed breathing, lower body temperature, vomiting, nausea, coma, and death. Last edited on 03-21-2023. Mortality rates after abuse of GHB are high, because there is only a narrow safety margin between a recreational dose and a. Holistic Approach to Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Thailand. Extremely small amounts of GHB can be toxic. July 7, 2023 / By John A. GHB is processed by the body rapidly making it difficult to detect in standard drug tests. Addiction Problems in Australia Addiction is a growing problem all over the world, and Australia is no exception to this trend. If you are considering stopping GHB abuse, please contact us at (855) 430-9439 for professional help. We use cutting-edge treatment modalities, including TMS and CBT to provide personalized care to treat addiction,. Love addiction is a pattern of behaviors that leads to an individual developing an intense fixation on their romantic partner or on the sense of falling in love. This topic reviews perioperative and anesthetic considerations for patients who are acutely intoxicated with one or multiple substances (eg, alcohol, opioids benzodiazepines, cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens) or have a recent history of substance use disorder or dependency. A healthy lifestyle indicated by regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, and getting enough sleep can also. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from. This means that if you take 100mg of GHB, after 30 to 60 minutes, there would be 50mg left in your system. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. 969. This central nervous system depressant originally held promise as a fast-acting anesthetic, but physicians quickly abandoned the drug because it has no. As Asia’s leading, residential mental health and addictions treatment centre based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, you can expect world-class medical and clinical treatment combined with the renowned hospitality and compassionate care from our Thai staff. Cocaine addiction is a disorder in which a person persistently uses cocaine despite serious consequences. Narcissist-Codependent Relationships: When Addiction Isn’t Just About. The most common drug addictions that we treat here in Thailand are the following: Amphetamine Cocaine (including crack cocaine) Ecstasy (MDMA) GHB Heroin (and. US / Canada:+1 332 895 1708. 1. 03-21-2023. Also known as Vicodin addiction, this type of opioid use disorder may involve a. GHB addiction rehab; Ketamine addiction rehab; Marijuana addiction rehab; Prescription drug rehab. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – An Effective Method of Overcoming Trauma Traumatic. CALL US NOW. Our ice addiction treatment programme provides you with the expertise, resources, and support you need to get clean and stay clean. The use of essential oils and aromatherapy can help people with nicotine addiction reduce cravings and support their recovery. During their stay, individuals receive personalized care. Many athletes and bodybuilders used the drug to help build muscle and lose fat. Get help today by calling Recovery Connection at 866. If a client completes 12 weeks of treatment and relapses within one year, we are happy to have them return for 28 days at no additional cost. Chronic use of the drug can produce hallucinations, confusion, violent outbursts, and issues with depression. The Dawn offers affordable addiction & mental health treatment in Thailand with the most effective combination of rehab & wellness therapy. Other potential,. Street names include: Easy Lay. Drug Rehab Thailand - Detox & Drug Addiction Treatment Thailand. The Cabin Group offers effective inpatient and outpatient treatment for substance addictions and process addictions (such as gambling and sex). Long term effects can severely impact a person’s quality of life. Drug treatment programmes should be licensed by the MOPH. The gay community is the largest consumer of “party” drugs. F. The right rehab will let you spend time in GHB addiction treatment therapy sessions, where you can explore why you started GHB. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from addiction in a safe, low-stress environment. If you or someone you know is struggling to maintain sobriety, please reach out to Hazelden Betty Ford for answers and help at 1-866-831-5700. Together we have over 45 years of experience working in the field of Addiction. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. We are one of Thailand’s most respected addiction treatment and wellness centers. Call us now : +66 20 385 469. A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception. Excessive computer use becomes problematic when it interferes with one’s relationships, work, or school. The Diamond Rehab Thailand was born out of a desire to help people recover from addiction in a safe, low-stress environment. The term “cybersex” also refers to various kinds of sexually explicit content available online that can easily be accessed nowadays. Are you struggling with a GHB addiction? We can help in beautiful Thailand. 1,2 Others have reported using it because they think it helps metabolize fat and build muscle. The Cabin at Chiang Mai is widely recognised as one of the best inpatient drug rehab centres Thailand has to offer, with comprehensive and private. Medical Detox: An In-Depth Guide Deciding you have an alcohol or drug addiction and considering a medical detox is the first step towards taking your life back. As a supplement that supposedly builds muscles and causes weight loss. The Long-Term Effects Of GHB. Call+66 90 893 5296. “Not every client is the same, and everyone needs a different approach. (USA: 1-800-662-4357; Canada: 1-866-585-0445; UK: 0300-999-1212). Aaron T. Increases effects of other CNS depressants: GHB affects other substances, such as alcohol or opioids. +66 8 7140 7788. GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is an illegal drug commonly found around the dance and party scene. Many clubbers take it as an alternative to ‘E’, indeed in many circles it is known as Liquid. More than Just Words: Six Types of Damaging Toxic Parenting. Learn, find hope, and take the first step towards change. En suite bathroom with rain shower. UK CALLERS: +44 8082 737552. Until the early 1990s, it was available for purchase over-the-counter in health food stores. The main goals of the treatment for drug addiction are to help patients stop using drugs, stay drug-free, improve overall well-being and social functioning, or restore family dynamics and relationships. The most common drug addictions that we treat here in Thailand are the following: Amphetamine Cocaine (including crack cocaine) Ecstasy (MDMA) GHB Heroin (and other opiates) Ketamine Marijuana Methamphetamine (including crystal meth and Yaba) Prescription drugs (including OxyContin, Vicodin, Valium, and Xanax) GHB, or Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (C4H8O3), is a Central Nervous System Depressant naturally produced in small amounts by the brain. ”. The Diamond Rehab offers regular CBT sessions as part of our residential treatment program at our center in Phuket, Thailand. There is a strong link between mental health and. OTHER COUNTRIES: +66 60 003 5316. Contact us for personal treatment. Luxury rehab center for Ketamine in Thailand. Because of this, people take GHB and GBL orally by using a pipette, syringe or pre-measured vial to measure the dose and then mix it into a soft drink. It can result in seizures. Food addiction is the loss of control over one’s eating behavior. Compared to the other widely-used date rape drug (GHB), ketamine abuse symptoms include hallucinations and increased blood pressure, while symptoms of GHB addiction. These characteristics make it easy and less risky to. +66 2-460-9350. United Kingdom:+44 330 822 5340. The 12 step recovery program was developed by Alcoholics Anonymous back in 1938. Post navigation. The Dawn Wellness Centre and Rehab Thailand offers highly personalised treatment for addiction and mental health issues. Ketamine Rehab in Thailand: a Proven Treatment with Lasting results. Contact us for personal treatment. We will work with you to uncover the root causes of your addiction, identify your triggers, practise healthy coping tools, and put your feet steadily on the road to lifetime recovery. The Dawn Depression Retreat Thailand: Breathe New Life Into Your World. At The Diamond Rehab Thailand, we created a very diverse therapeutic World class team of professionals. CALL US NOW. Below is a breakdown of.